Our Programmes

  • The School Based Prevention

    Aim & activities: Remedial, preventive and developmental projects delivered to school going children over one academic year, with the aim of keeping them in school and completing their education.

    The programme’s focus is on self-esteem, life skills development, teenage sexuality and pregnancy, HIV/Aids awareness, girl-to-women and boy-to-man development and other adolescent development issues. The learners receive weekly workshops, 3 – 4 day wilderness camp experiences, and educational and fun excursions.

    Number of Beneficiaries (per annum): 31

    Phase 0: Primary School Boys & Girls| Grade 7 (12/13 years) | January – December

    Phase 1: High School Boys and Girls | Grades 10 – 11 (15 – 17 years) | January – December

  • Sustainable Livelihoods

    Aim & activities: To aid the transition into the working world through vocational skills, internships and help with accessing bursaries and further education: 150 beneficiaries.

    The programme runs over one year and works with 150 youth per annum who have completed Usiko’s other programmes. The sustainable livelihoods programme aims to improve high school attendance and increase youth employability. As well as practical vocational skills, it aids learners in making informed decisions about their life path and career opportunities, supporting them during the vulnerable transition from school to the working world.

    The services offered include grants in aid to help learners to stay in school. These grants would cover the payment of school fees, uniforms and stationery. Services are geared towards gaining access to work, further training opportunities or higher education options. Participants who may have already dropped out of school are assisted with alternative educational and learnership possibilities.

    A range of activities are available to assist beneficiaries, including internships and learnerships, job-hunting skills, CV writing and help understanding the interview process. Driving licenses and computer skills allow beneficiaries to have a competitive advantage in the job market and so learner classes and driving lessons with the relevant tests are offered along with basic business skills. Entrepreneurship is encouraged through classes and training as well as small amounts of seed funding to help set up businesses.

    Number of Beneficiaries (per amnum): 150

  • After School Clubs

    Aim & activities: Sports, Green environmental awareness and Youth-Led Clubs run at partner schools after normal hours. 150 beneficiaries per year.

    Sports include cricket, soccer, netball and rugby. Green Clubs around environmental awareness, recycling and planting vegetable gardens. A Youth-Led Club is for all graduates of the Usiko programmes who run community-benefiting campaigns such as donations of toys and events for the elderly, as well as advocacy around youth issues.

    Number of Beneficiaries (per annum): 150

    Boys & girls at primary & high school | Grades 7 – 11 (ages 12 – 18) | One academic year

    Youth-Led: Boys and Girls graduates of Usiko Progarmmes | Grades 11 & 12 (age 17 – 20)

  • Girls in High Risk Communities

    A pilot programme for three-years in collaboration with three other Non-Profit Organisations – one based in the UK and two based in Cape Town. The project aims to to learn about the issues girls and young women face in gang infected communities and provide interventions for preventions and help, assisting girls and young women with choices for their life paths. The project is part of a larger, worldwide initiative working with organisations doing similar work in the UK and Columbia to share learning and best practise.

    Number of Beneficiaries (per annum): 25

    School girls | Aged 16-17 years in Grades 10-11

    Young women | Aged 18 – 35

  • International Volunteer and Intern Programme

    Usiko’s international volunteer and intern programme offers young gap year students, young working adults and graduates the opportunity to have a unique experience in South Africa. The Organisation offers accommodation, cultural experiences, home-stays, food, working experiences and historic tours to individuals and small groups in a safe environment.

    For more information please complete this form:

  • The Social Crime Prevention & Diversion Programme

    Aim & activities: There are two versions of the programme: (1) Social Crime Prevention is run at schools for learners with behavioural problems that put them at risk of entering lives of crime. (2) Youth offenders recommended by the courts and probation services onto the programme as an alternative to incarceration.

    The goal of both programmes is to unpack the adolescents’ struggle, to instil self-esteem and restore a sense of responsibility, while creating belonging, meaning and purpose in their lives so that they will make positive choices for their future that steers them away from criminal behaviour.

    The Diversion programme is only one of a handful in the Western Cape, accredited by the Department of Social Development, which means that once a youth offender has completed the programme their criminal record will be cleared.

    Parents: While youth take part in the court based diversion programme, a parallel parent support programme is run on a weekly basis. This is unique to Usiko who has custom-designed the programme in order to allow deep and sustainable change to happen for the whole family. Parents receive specialised support of social workers in a group or individual setting, developing their coping and boundary setting skills.

    Number of Beneficiaries (per annum): 60 Court Recommended, 60 Social Prevention, 60 Parents

    Youth Offenders – Court | 12-18 years | 3 months cycle x 4

    Recommended Parents & Care givers: Adults

    Social Crime Prevention – at-risk to Crime | 12-18 years | 6 months cycles, x 2 at 3 schools

  • Aftercare

    Aim & activities: After-School and Holiday Care that nurtures young children and adolescences who are otherwise unsupervised due to their parents working and unable to afford quality care. The children experience positive behaviours in the people surrounding them in a fun and playful environment that motivates and builds them. The aftercare is an opportunity to grow further academically, socially and creatively. Usiko’s aim is to make learning interesting and fun through new ways of learning (experiential, small group) sport, recreation, arts, drama and culture.

    Number of Beneficiaries (per annum): 30

    Boys & Girls | Grades R (5/6 years old) to Matric (18 – 19 years old)